MMR Attack
MMR Attack, XL frame size.
Groupset: 1x11 GRX 11speed
Chainring: 40T
Cassette: 11-28, comes also with mtb cassette 11-42
Wheels: DT swiss P1800
Handelbar/stem: Ritchey aluminium (42cm wide, 120mm stem)
With the bike comes also Hutchinson 33wide cyclo tyre
Price: 1900€
Groupset: 1x11 GRX 11speed
Chainring: 40T
Cassette: 11-28, comes also with mtb cassette 11-42
Wheels: DT swiss P1800
Handelbar/stem: Ritchey aluminium (42cm wide, 120mm stem)
With the bike comes also Hutchinson 33wide cyclo tyre
Price: 1900€